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Mina ja Mehed 2 netimüügis soodsamalt! |
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Creation from Katrin Aedma |
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Her articles are in a different websites, magasines and newspapers:,,,,, CV-Online, JCI Teataja, newspapers Äripäev, Päevaleht, Postimees, Eesti Ekspress, magazines named Naised, Director and others.
BOOKS Still there are so many interesting topics to writre about if we think about the human psychology - what we believe, how we think and how we act. The book "Me and Men 3" continues the topic about differences of women and men in a funny but in the same time in a serious way. You will find real stories and comments from psychologist, you will find interesting faxts and funny jokes, you will find good advices for many lifesituations and much more.
This book is the best friend in the bedroom before you fall a sleep, in the trip or on the beach - easy to read and interesting.
What and how to eat? How to think? How to breath? How to move? All for too busy people who think that they are too busy to take care of themselves. We always can if we think we can and the most important person to take care of is everyone himself. If we are happy about or mind, body, work, friends = then we are kind with others and life is a flower! In the book can you find many easy ways to live healthier and be happier. Diffetent tips specially for busy people!
2013 April - the third book about publik presentation skills - how to use stories. From this book, the reader learns how to use stories to enforce the message. How to customize and create your own fairy tales, personal stories, anecdotes and also poems. It is an art that must be learned. Book consist many stories as well.
The author Katrin Aedma has been teacher of public presentation skills already from 2000 and has been on the stages in many countries. She uses great simple language and clear explanations, teachinf when, why and how to use stories. Useful reading for all who likes to deiver their message in a good and effective way.
2012 April - the second book about publik presentation skills - how to handle fear.
Great possibility to lean from the person who has been teacher of presnetation skills and presenter herself more than 15 years.
How to use the fear what we all have in ones favor? How to present so that you look smart, bold, selfcnfident and your message will react to your listener? What to do if throat dries up, voice and legs shakes and words don't come out from the mouth?
Katrin Aedma has a great tips for all this problems and as a teacher and personal coach she has been helping many people to become the great presenter on the stages.
2012 March - the second book about realtionships, about men and women, about real life... named "Me and Men 2." Book gets as first one, a lot of great feedback and specially from women. They are greatful to author for the courage and sincerity. Many comment the books in the website: minaJamehed
Easy to read, full of practical information, interesting and different - out of the box!
Not ready yet :) - new style travel guide "Kerala - Jumala enese maa." One day this book will be in English "Kerala - God´s Own Country." This is a innovative travel book rich in information – pleasant reading both for travellers and for those who enjoy taking trips from the comfort of their armchairs. Katrin Aedma describes her interesting experiences in Kerala; explains why things work as they do there; where to go, and what it’s best to avoid; how to enjoy the wonderful wild nature of the country to the maximum; how to address the people of Kerala and their culture; how to find temple festivals and be part of them. The author describes the art of Kerala – kathakali dances, kaleri martial arts, snake boat races and elephant rituals, the principles of ayurveda and the activities of the healers who have mastered their skills over the generations.
2011 - first book about publik presentation skills. Presentation skills are something everybody can develop but you have to know how to do it.
This book helps to understand why it is important to involve peopl, why most of the speakers, teachers, managers and other persentators dont do it and how to do it in a best way.
Great book for everybody who wants to be great speaker!
A practical and hands-on travel guide for everyone who is interested in India, and above all, in Goa. Besides the diary of a 14-day trip to Goa, Katrin Aedma, a globe-trotting coach, freelance journalist and writer, offers the reader bits and pieces of the history and culture of India and Goa – interesting everyday events alternate with local recipes, myths, oriental gods and the description of Goa’s flora and fauna.
The first book printed in 2010 had a big success in Estonia and eddition from 2015 will have even more interesting and useful infomasion to attract readers to visit India and especially Goa!
This is the interesting and special book full of nonveg jokes, life, blogs, strange relations, love lyrics, gladness and sadness. The text is comment by psychologist Toivo Niiberg. It is the book for everyone who dont afraid to face the true life and want to discover own borders about the topic SEX. It is better to read this book, when you completed 18. Read, feel, enjoy and learn.
2007 - Äripäeva Kirjastus "Coaching- and Development Handbook" (editor and main author til end of 2008).
2005 Äripäeva Kirjastus "Service Handbook" (editor and main author til end of 2008). Book is about everything what one manager shall know about service company - how to build it up, how to manage, how to choose workers, how to motivate them, what kind of rooms the company have to have, how it is polite to communicate face by face, by telephone and by e-mail. How to take feedback and how to spred information in the company.
2005 Studybook from the serie "Short courses for selfstudies". New version, in Estonian and in English 2008. "Virtual Communication Culture. What Does a Good Letter Look Like?"
All you need to know about e-mail etiquette - how to write, how to read, how to manage your time with hundreds of e-mails, how to be polite but still manage your time, how to react if you dont get answer and much more useful tips.
It is important to write nice e-mails and its easy to learn it - just 15 minutes to read this little practical hand-book and you have useful knowledge for all your life!
Learning DVD - how to make Indian Head-and Face Massage ICM 2011 -
Teacher is from India and in the video you can find added written all movements in a simple way.
Some examples about articles of Katrin Aedma (Junior Chamber International,
Juhtimisajakiri Director (the best magasin for leaders)
Digitark: artiklite sari teemal virtuaalne suhtlemiskultuur (topic virtual communication) collection of articles: More: articles
Viimati uuendatud 17. märts 2015 |