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News for Kerala JCI |
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Good news! When did you last time made the training for people outside JCI? There is always money around us. We just have to think, what and how we can offer to the society to earn some money ourself.
We have a lot of good trainers and good trainings = great possibility to be the one who organizing the training and get paid. Earn money to your chapter and use it in a smart way! Great international trainer (JCI ITF#134) Katrin Aedma from Estonia (EU) is in India and visits Kerala again on October / November 2011. She is ready to hold some trainings here as well. Here you can find quick facts of Estonia.
How good trainer Katrin Aedma can be?
Jc Saviour E-mail on kaitstud spämmirobotite eest, Javascript peab olema sisse lülitatud 94 4714 1251 from Kerala or Arvind Jain E-mail on kaitstud spämmirobotite eest, Javascript peab olema sisse lülitatud from Bangalore as she had trainings in Kottakal and Bangalore in the beginning of 2010 anfd in Wynad 2011. She visited Kerala JCI Ottapalam, JCI Bekel Fort, JCI Kasaragod, JCI Kananghad January 2011, JCI Manadhavadi, JCI Kannur, JCI Kozhikode and JCi Tirur in February 2011. Career in JCI: the best JCI member candidate and the best project manager of JCI Toompea 2003, VP individual 2005 JCI Toompea, VP individual 2006 JCI Estonia (national level), Project manager of JCI trainings in EC 2006, the best trainer and magnet of the chapter of JCI Toompea 2010, honorary member on JCI. Katrin Aedma wrote 2010 book about Goa, 2011 the book will be translated in English as well, 2011/ 2012 she writing the new style travel guide book about Kerala. She visits different tourist spots in Kerala and it is also possible to buy the business commercial in her Kerala book and support printing. If you have services or prodacts to offer to the international market, it is the great oppurtunity!
Use the possibility to offer to your chapter interesting training from interesting ITF trainer from EU and be part of the book “Kerala – God’s Own Country”!
Katrin Aedma has a lot of interesting topics. For example you can choose between 3 trainings (duration approx 2,5-hours) ![]()
12.02.2010 he held in JCI Kasaragod and 15.12 in Wynad topic: "Conflict management." Also this topic can be one. She is more than much interested of all interesting activities to learn the culture of Kerala - take part of weddings, festivals, get homehospitality at homes to see the real life...
Usually if the JCI trainer doing the training, they are doing their job for JCI for free. Travel costs, hospitality, tools and people => this are organizing work from JCI chapter side. To earn money to have trainers and some income to the chapter, we advice to use the possibility and share the good training so, that you make 2 or more trainings and/ or put different prices for JCI people and to the people from outside JCI. Like this you can make the name of JCI more known in your area and get more members as well. Ask presenter of the Press to visit the training, organize some motivation training to the shoolchildren etc. === If trainer gets back the cost of the traveling and living is it good; if trainer can also earn something, is it already super; if trainer can cover his outgoings, earn herself and earn for the organizers is it super good! === To agree the timings and other details with trainer, please dear JCI president contact directly: Katrin Aedma
E-mail on kaitstud spämmirobotite eest, Javascript peab olema sisse lülitatud
or 0091 99 7527 8486 (in India, Goa), 00372 513 2444 (in Estonia).
Read more about Katrin Aedma The tour plan of Katrin Aedma 2011 The advertisement in the book: Kerala - God´s Own Country.
Viimati uuendatud 26. veebruar 2011 |